Bikini Boot Camp!


Last week I was able to bring my family on the best vacation of my life so far, and after having two kids I was able to rock my new bikini! I have a ton of stretch marks and my abs are still hidden under a little bit of extra skin but I worked HARD for this body and I am proud of how far I have come. Don’t give up on your goals; it drives me crazy to hear moms say that they will never wear a bikini again/be a size _ again/fit in their favorite clothes again/etc. Believe you can and you WILL! However, my journey is not over, and it never will be! Healthy is a lifestyle, not a diet. My Bikini Boot Camp challenge group starts July 1st and I will be kicking butt with Hip Hop Abs! If you want to kick butt with me I urge you to join my challenge group to get the body you deserve and to make a healthy change!